Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become one of the major search keyword currently. For example if you type the phrase “Digital Marketing” you will see a lot of pages and websites with lot of content over digital marketing. Each and every business is being promoted by digital marketing. It is easy to differentiate digital marketing from traditional marketing. The actual difference between two is that digital marketing include electronic devices, digital channels or internet to promote the businesses while traditional marketing contain old and conventional methods. Selling products “door to door” is one of the major example of traditional marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?

The field which includes all kinds of marketing efforts using electronic device or the internet. Organizations or multi-national companies use different kind of platforms to promote their business. They interact with their customer over social media, through websites and many other channels. 

 One question arises that why these techniques are being used in the contemporary world?  Well, these techniques are being used to acquire new customers and it helps to develop the better relationship with existing customer.
Digital Marketing Channels

Digital marketing has a number of channels and it is further categorized into offline and online marketing channels.

Online Marketing channels include Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Marketing, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, E-mail Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, E-commerce and many more.

Off-line Marketing include TV marketing, SMS marketing, radio marketing and billboard marketing.
The main difference between two is that online marketing channels are based on solely internet while offline marketing works over digital devices and not necessary to connect these devices over internet.
Each channel perform its own function under a limited domain. The common purpose of each is to promote the businesses.

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